Raise of hands, who else cannot believe that we are in September? It seems kind of crazy just how quickly this hell year has flown by. Having said that, if there is one advantage to us finally reaching this point in the year, it means that Christmas is right around the corner. And that means holiday makeup releases!
Now, if you have been following me since the beginning, you will know that I am a complete simp for holiday collections. And a few of the big names have started to announce their line ups for this year (which I’m super excited for). Alongside that, there have been a few launches that have recently caught my eye. So, I figured today that I would show you the products that are at the top of my beauty wishlist. These are the things that I will be picking up probably over the next few weeks to test out and review for you guys! Let’s dive right on in!

Rare Beauty had it’s Australian launch back in August to widespread acclaim. But for me, there was one thing missing. Where was the mascara, Selena? Well, turns out she had an answer. It’s this one. The Perfect Strokes mascara. It just launched in the States and it should be coming out in Australia soon. So, absolutely stay tuned for that review.

Last week, I was fortunate enough to be invited to a skincare masterclass hosted by Mecca and the founders of Glow Recipe, Christine Chang and Sarah Lee. It was an amazing chat and I got to learn a lot about Glow Recipe and their process. One of the products that they heavily featured was their new Watermelon Glow Hyaluronic Clay Facial. Now, I’m all about the pink clay masks, but this one did escape me at the time of it’s launch. Now that I’ve learned a bit more about it, I have to have it! I love that it’s a whipped formula that doesn’t have a super intense dry down. And the addition of Hyaluronic Acid will absolutely benefit my skin.

I’ll make this one brief. I love the mini Retro palette. I love the look of this one. I’m here for the pinks, mauves and purples. All of it. To any siblings that might be reading this post and are looking for gift ideas for me, I want this palette the most!

When I got my last Huda Beauty order, I got a small sample of this fragrance with it. One spritz, and I was in love. I’ve had something of a love affair with any fragrances that have tobacco or smokey notes as of late. And this has that to a tee. With some delicious citrus and vanilla notes to add some sweetness. Also, can we address how utterly stunning that bottle is? Art!

I have always loved Nars’s holiday collections. To me, they always nail their aesthetics and the collections always look fun and festive. And I got so dang excited when I saw this beauty pop up on Trendmood over the weekend (oh yes, this is piping hot makeup tea). Now, from a visual standpoint, it does look similar to one of the cheek palettes that Nars came out earlier in the year. But I didn’t buy that palette at the time because I did suspect that Nars would bring out a palette for holiday. So, yeah, glad I waited. Come to mama!
And that is my wish list! I suspect that this list will get long the more holidays collections I see. My wallet is quaking. What are some of the products on your wishlist? Let me know in the comments.
Cheers and love
Emily xo
It really is crazy to think that we are in September already, this year has flown by! These are gorgeous items on your wish list, I hope your relatives are paying attention!